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New evening hours starting July 1st

Office hours starting July 1, 2023

Mon-Thurs 9am-6pm

Friday 9am-5:30pm

Sat/Sun/Holidays 9am-12:30pm

We strive to be an accessible and convenient practice for our patients and their families. Our goal is to continue to remain your trusted medical home, while also providing for the needs of our dedicated staff and their families. We also acknowledge that we are lucky to have several quality pediatric urgent cares in our area. In part due to this, we have decided to modify our weekday evening hours.

Please know that we will continue to have same day urgent care sick visits available each day in order to be available for you and your child for unexpected illness visits. We will also continue to have a Dowd provider available by phone every day after normal office hours who can help to advise on emergent issues that arise after the office is closed.

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